As promised, we are delighted to share with you some amazing complimentary bonus gifts.
Mega Bonus:
7 Magnificent Days of Think & Grow Rich for Real People,
with Real Lives who want Real Abundance NOW
Your first bonus is from the Positive Prime team and is our exclusive ‘Think and Grow Rich’ in 7 Magnificent Days Course (VALUE: $297).
Many say Napoleon Hill’s classic is the greatest business book of all time, with tens of millions of copies sold worldwide. Now you can experience it like never before as our Positive Prime technology amplifies the attraction of wealth and prosperity DIRECT to your other-than-conscious mind.
Go at your own pace with one session a week or one each day (if you get really excited).
Then, like the power of your mind has been turbo-charged, you will observe your money blocks melting away, creating space to manifest financial abundance into your life.
Join Positive Prime’s world-class educators and coaches Kim Serafini and Pattie Craumer as they guide you on this journey of alchemising limiting beliefs into a life of health, wealth and sublime positivity.

Day 1:
Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievements

Day 2:
Faith: Visualization of, Belief in Attainment of Desire

Day 3:
Auto-suggestion and Specialized Knowledge

Day 4:
Imagination, Organized Planning and Decisions

Day 5:
Decision: The Mastery of

Day 6:
How to Outwit the
Six Ghosts of Fear

Day 7:
Question and Answer Session
These free bonuses come from the wonderful people in our Community who love Positive Prime so much, they wanted to share some of their own personal magic with you all.
They encompass a range of topics, so please select one or more that will help you on your journey to manifest the life you’ve always wanted.
These will be available to you for the time that you hold a subscription. Please find them below:

Audrey Weidman
A 10 day challenge to get into the regular habit of conscious breathing, relieving stress and improving your sleep hygiene along the way.
(VALUE: $19)

Nani Chesire
Free resources for understanding the basics of Human Design and essential oils.
(VALUE: $19)

Laura A. Davis
The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ assessment and training program

Dr. Kymn Harvin
An insight in how ‘The Soul of America Speaks’.
A short burst of positive inspiration for embracing a Sacred Life.
(VALUE: $19)

Dr Margaret Evanow
Quantum Healing with Sacred Geometry – Wellness colouring book.
A wellness Colouring book that Explores Quantum Healing through Sacred Geometry.
(VALUE: $19)

Dr. Irena Kay M.D
7 Top tactics of high achieving CEOs.
Learn the SEVEN top Tactics of High Achieving CEOs.
(VALUE: $19)

Audrey Weidman
Audrey Weidman is a Certified Stress Mastery Educator with the American Institute of Stress. Due to debilitating stress in her life, Audrey was dealt a crushing heart attack that changed her life forever.
Down but never out, Audrey embarked on a journey to explore and develop a unique approach to stress that starts with a re-education on how our brains are inherently wired for it.
One of her core strategies is guiding people on the power of breath in stress-management..
Your Gift: Just Breathe 10 Day Challenge
* If you struggle with Stress and Anxiety
* If you go to bed wired and tired and can’t fall asleep
* If you’ve failed at meditation
* If you know you need better tools than ice cream, wine or Netflix to help you manage your stress
Receive 5 minutes guided breathing practices for 10 days to:
- Relieve stress
- Improve sleep
- Balance your energy.
- Science Based. Immediate results. EASY!

Nani Chesire
Nani Chesire is a Certified Human Design Practitioner, Essential Oil Educator, MBA, Mom and Soul Entrepreneur. She offers transformation tools, such as guidebooks, training, essential oils and other fantastic resources that translate Human Design into practical, applicable insights.
Her mission is to support you in becoming your full, most joyful self and living the life you love
Understanding the basics of Human Design and essential oils.
Nani’s Free gift to you is Free resources for understanding the basics of Human Design and essential oils. Resources include:
- YouTube Explainer Videos
- Podcasts & Webinars
- Blog
- Human Design Guidebooks
- Human Design Training
- Essential Oils
- Human Design Readings

Laura A. Davis
Laura is a Master Certified Coach MBA and specialises in transformational change for individuals and businesses. Her super power, along with being known as a ‘People Whisperer’, is identifying the connection between agility and emotional intelligence with a tool that’s geared for your success in uncertain and ever-changing times.
The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, leaders and teams need to become more agile and flexible than ever before.
The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ assessment and training program has you identifying your strengths, mindsets and challenges, while learning to build emotional intelligence and agility at home and in your workplace.

Dr. Kymn Harvin
Dr Nancy Kymn Rutigliano Harvin, Ph.D., has touched the lives of over 300,000 people with her work of nurturing the human spirit. This extends to government, corporate America, consulting and higher education as she shares with adult learners her expertise in transformational and circular leadership, ethics and spirituality in the workplace. Dr Kymn has written extensively in academic publications about leadership from the heart, forgiveness, mindfulness, and career transitions as opportunities for individual and organizational transformation.
An insight in how ‘The Soul of America Speaks’
A short burst of positive inspiration for embracing a Sacred Life.
Sit back and sink into this beautiful guided state transformation as Dr Kymn takes you on a journey into connection to your sacred self.
Make sure to have your phone on silent so you can drink in the whole experience.

Dr Margaret Evanow
California’s Premier Quantum Psychologist, Dr Maragaret is passionate about helping adults, children, and families recover when “life just seems to happen to us”, finding a way for you to return to “a life that works” as soon as possible. She believes in the strength of the human spirit and guides people back to finding connection through a range of modalities, research and application
Quantum Healing with Sacred Geometry – Wellness colouring book
A wellness Colouring book that Explores Quantum Healing through Sacred Geometry.
25 pages of pure insight and inspiration that invite you into the world of Sacred Geometry. There’s nothing like using your own hands and activating the creative mind in the process. For adults of all ages; even if you haven’t coloured since your school days, you will find this a truly transformational experience.

Dr. Irena Kay M.D
Irena left her career as a medical physician to teach martial arts, become a Reiki master, a marriage facilitator, and lastly a performance coach for entrepreneurs and executives. She’s passionate about helping people move past anxiety and fear and leans on her medical degree and extensive studies in neuroscience to transform her client’s lives.
Your Gift: 7 Top tactics of high achieving CEOs
Learn the SEVEN top Tactics of High Achieving CEOs.
– The ideas and habits of a successful CEO’s to get the most out of your limited resources and time.
– The SECRET to breaking through all of your barriers!
Day 1: Desire – The Starting Point of All Achievements
“When you combine a definite goal with the burning desire to achieve that goal, it will provide you with the necessary fuel to create and execute a plan that will allow you to realize that goal successfully.” Napoleon Hill
What is your burning desire?
Think of the goal you want to achieve and make sure to set a specific date on when you are going to achieve your goal.
Let go of the goals that are not 1000% for you. You must set yourself up for success, which means making it as easy for yourself as you can to make daily progress.
Always remember that there is no shortcut with success.
Success is a series of little steps that get you to your ULTIMATE goal.

Homework or Reflection:
Think about your 100 strengths.
Focus on the strengths you have selected and think of circumstances or situations where you were able to display the specific strength.
For further Growth: Do you know WHY you want to reach your goal?
Ask yourself this question: is it possible to “fail” if you have a burning desire and always get back up again after every challenge and just keep on going because you know WHY you want to reach that obsessive goal of yours??
ACTION — What one thing will you do today to apply this message?
Day 2: Faith – Visualization of, Belief
in Attainment of Desire
When you mix FAITH with thought, the subconscious mind picks up the vibration, translates it into spiritual equivalent, and transmits to “Infinite Intelligence”, like in prayer.
Our subconscious will ONLY recognize and act upon thoughts that have been well-mixed with emotions or feelings. Thus, you must mix DESIRE with BELIEF, or FAITH.
This why it’s important to change our mind chatter into something positive or something that will serve us. Otherwise, your mind chatter will keep you stuck, frustrated, and in a negative spiral.
Homework or Reflection:
Practice reframing your negative thoughts or statements.
If you can catch the negative versions and redirect them in a direction YOU choose, you will have one new skill for mastering YOUR mind.
✘ Wrong: I want to lose weight / I don’t want to be broke anymore!
✓ Correct: I enjoy being at my ideal weight / It feels great to be financially abundant
Practice writing Positive Prime statements using the following guide:

It’s important we give something like this its due…
Make the time to watch it all the way to the end. I promise, it’s worth it. Hand on heart – I know you’re worthy & deserving… and I know that what is shared is fantastic.
Kim Serafini’s Special Prayer

Day 3: Autosuggestion & Specialized Knowledge
Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts that have been well mixed with emotion or feeling. Your thoughts or spoken words must be mixed with belief. Knowledge will not attract money unless it is organized and intelligently directed through practical plans of action, to the definite end of accumulation of money.
“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” Napoleon Hill
You can change your life by discovering your burning DESIRE, having FAITH in yourself, and practicing AUTOSUGGESTION. The 4th step in the path to riches is SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE.
And in conjunction with a MASTERMIND, you have the power coming together to realize your greatest dreams.
It’s a relief to be reminded that we don’t have to know everything.
You don’t have to have all the specialized knowledge to make your business successful. Everyone has their own magic. What you need is, to know enough to understand what you are asking for. You need to know how to organize the information you have in hand and how to intelligently reach out to the right people.
Always remember that even though you are the best when it comes to your chosen topic or subject, you are not alone, there are other people who also have specialized knowledge regarding the topics you are interested in learning more about.
Homework or Reflection: Imaginary Board of Advisors
If you’re not your best, you may go to the place of ‘not worthy’ enough. But,
everything what you want is POSSIBLE…..
You cannot know everything you need to know to bring your burning desire to fruition.
So, choose a team of Imaginary Advisors.
Imagine conducting a close room session in a fine boardroom somewhere in the world.
Who would you invite to the table?
Who do you want to ask for advice from?
Allow yourself to really believe in the infinite possibilities. Think of the people who you are going to invite, it could be Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey or even Elon Musk. Ask them what would they suggest or recommend that you do right now, based on where you are at.
For further Growth
Watch this video: “The Mastermind and Invisible Counselors”
What one thing will you do today to apply this message?
Day 4: Imagination, Organized Planning, and Decision Making
“The story of practically every great fortune starts with the day when a creator of ideas and a seller of ideas and work in harmony.”
Imagination is the workshop of our mind. It’s the starting point of everything that we create. It’s where we birth our desires. Napoleon Hill says that imagination only works when the subconscious mind is vibrating at a super rapid rate when, for example, stimulated with strong desire.
There are lots of ways to cultivate the power of our imagination. But the fastest and easiest way to supercharge it is by watching your Positive Prime sessions.
When you watch your sessions, let yourself be carried away by Positive Prime stunning imagery.
Imagine yourself in each of the images you see. Mentally rehearse the pinnacle moment of success. Mentally rehearse the positive feelings you will have as you achieve milestones.
When new neural connections have been created and strengthened to the point of being automatic thought habits, your goals have become real in your imagination and it’s time to bring them to life. At this point you will be ready to SEE what you need to see and empowered to ACT on it. Then, by taking action, you will start seeing big results.
Make sure to personalize your session by adding photos of you and your goals. This creates a very strong emotional affinity with the presentation. You “see” yourself in the picture, squarely in the very situation you wish to create in your life and this helps you to embody your idea as if it were already real.
Organized Planning is also important in achieving your goals
SMART goals set you up for success by making goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The SMART method helps push you further, gives you a sense of direction, and helps you organize and reach your goals.
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action. Make sure that you establish a definite time or deadline to accomplish your goal.
Homework or Reflection
Think about your goals as already real, right now.
Just relax into the focused visualization and imagine this being true for you right now. Positive Prime helps to remove the “cognitive dissonance” between what you desire and affirm to be true, and your current reality. With consistency, Positive Prime can help you give preference to your desired reality over your current reality, and may stimulate creative problem solving and action.
If you have not done so already, please watch this webinar where we talked about cognitive dissonance and how personalizing your session helps you change your beliefs and reduce cognitive dissonance.
Whether you’re thinking about a personal or professional goal, never put it off to the future. It will take time for things to come together anyway. Use that time wisely – gathering knowledge and skills, laying the foundation and mentally preparing yourself for the day you achieve your goal.
For further Growth
Alert!! — this is a big challenge. Have FUN!

Day 5: Decision – The Mastery of Procrastination
The speed of your decision making is very important
One reason people struggle to make decisions is that they really don’t have a process to think through the decision making process. PROCRASTINATION, the opposite of DECISION, is a common enemy that practically every man must conquer. If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no DESIRE of your own.
“Successful people makes decisions quickly and unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and they change them often.”
People who earn the most money are those who make decisions quickly. It’s better to make a decision quickly and then make adjustments along the way than to procrastinate or make decisions slowly. It’s easy to get stuck because decisions are usually made based on old habits, limiting beliefs or pressure from other people.
People who make quick decisions are clear about who they are and the standards they uphold for themselves.
It’s also important to not be easily influenced by the opinions of others.
“Keep your own counsel”.
You may ask other people’s advice but follow yourself. Other people’s opinions often confuse and muddle your thinking. Use your mastermind group to get feedback but at the end of the day, check-in with yourself to verify the decisions are the ones YOU want to make.
Procrastination and how to get over it
Sometimes all of our opportunities seem to be on our fingertips, but we still can’t seem to reach them. Procrastinating not only wastes time but keeps you from investing that time in something meaningful. If you can overcome this fierce enemy, you will be able to accomplish more and in doing so better utilize the potential that life has to offer.
Activity (like better than Homework or Reflection) One useful technique to fight procrastination is called The 5 Second Rule.
If you have a feeling or intuition to act on a goal, you must take some specific action towards it within 5 seconds or your conscious mind will override it.
When you feel yourself hesitate before doing something that you know you should do, count
5-4-3-2-1-GO and move towards action.
Creating these new things, or accomplishing your goals, is even more possible when you start with a foundation of gratitude. Instead of feeling frustrated that you haven’t already accomplished every goal on your list, feel happy about where you are while eagerly anticipating the journey ahead.
Need to make decisions faster?
Watch a Positive Prime Session!
We love Robert MacPhee’s “Excellent Decisions” session. This session will help you make decisions based on your goals, visions and your values. It will help you take actions in alignment with what matters most to you.
This session will help you get clear about your own unique vision, values and value and empowers you to make decisions and take actions that are in alignment with what is most important to you.
Discover Resources Within by Dr. Dr Paul Scheele and Cheryl Valk.
This Positive Prime session will help you feel confident in yourself, your potential and your abilities as you achieve your goals. You’ll be inspired, motivated and dedicated all the way from idea to achievement!
For Further Growth or Reflection
Sometimes we don’t want to procrastinate the decision has so much impact on your life that you cannot quickly move one way or another.
Here is a popular TEDTalk on How to Make Hard Choices by Ruth Chang.
ACTION: What one thing will you do today to apply this message?
Day 6: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
The enemies you must steer clear of are indecision, doubt, and fear. Getting rid of fear is imperative or our mind will manifest physically exactly what our fears dictate. We have absolute control of our thoughts. And by controlling our thoughts, we control our destiny.
“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…we must do that which we think we cannot.” Eleanor Roosevelt
How do we outwit fear?
In his book, Napoleon Hill talks about the six fears that stop us in life — poverty, old age, criticism, illness, love, and death.
We all suffer from some combination of these fears at some time. What we need to remember is that fear is a state of mind. The good news for us is that we can control our state of mind. Our thoughts become our reality, whether we know it or not. By controlling our thoughts, we can master our fear.

Here is a wonderful exercise you can do conquer your fear.
Instead of allowing ourselves to imagine a worst-case scenario and be a victim of our fears, we can take control of our own minds and consciously decide to think positive thoughts and visualize a best-case scenario instead.
Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, worry about what will happen once you are successful. Focus on the feelings you’d like to send — peace, calm, joy, healing, or happiness.
I greatly encourage you to watch Brené Brown’s documentary film titled “Call to Courage”. In this film, Brené discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear and uncertainty
One simple trick to overcome your biggest fear | Ruth Soukup | TEDxMileHigh
New York Times bestselling author Ruth Soukup demystifies the seven fear archetypes. Watch & discover what’s holding you back.
If you have moments where you start to feel doubt or fear about your goal, acknowledge that fear as a valuable self-preservation mechanism, but recognize that the fear is due to your imagination focusing on what might go wrong. That’s the only reason you’re feeling fear about your goals!
Watching Positive Prime can retrain you to imagine what might go right – which is a much nicer way to feel, and that feeling opens you up to being bold and innovative as you make life’s big decisions and take action on your goals.
The best way to increase the power of your Positive Prime sessions is to add images of yourself and statements that you write. This creates a very strong emotional affinity with the presentation. You “see” yourself in the picture, squarely in the very situation you wish to create in your life and this helps you to embody your idea as if it were already real.
For Further Growth or Reflection

Day 7: Question and Answer Session
Got Questions?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Get in touch and let us know how we can help.