Positive Prime

An even Brighter Day every Day

Watch “Graceful Intentions for Powerful Change” by Jordan Gray

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Jordan, Joshua & Planetary Stewardship

Jordan Gray has lived the life of a deep listener.
As a child it was to his Grandmother who taught him how to listen into nature.
After a derailment as a young adult he listened into the world of Christianity and the teachings of Christ before hearing a call beyond religion.
A call he’d heard since birth, yet never truly ‘heard’ and for the last forty years, he’s not only been hearing, he’s been cocreating with that voice. 

This conversation is unlike any we have had on the Positive Prime Podcast.
It’s the first time we have had four on the podcast even thought it might not seem like it to the naked eye, and the words and wisdom from Jordan and his non-corporeal co-steward for the planet Joshua are as profound as they are full of hope for our collective future.

Connecting to Nature
Connecting to Source

What will strike you about Jordan Gray is his profound loving nature, stemming from a profound love for nature.

Jordan grew up on a farm in the Willamette Valley of Oregon where his childhood was filled with hiking in the woods with his grandparents and their dog.

His first great teacher, his grandmother, a passionate leader and lifelong learner, who instilled in him a deep appreciation for wild places.

‘Nature became a part of me as a child,’ says Jordan these roots have only deepened as he’s embraced his role as a planetary steward in partnership with co-steward Joshua…

Becoming the Channel

Jordan’s journey to become a channel for Joshua wasn’t easy.
Prior to acknowledging Joshua’s voice, Jordan found himself as a young adult in a period of serious self-destruction. Until Christianity saved him and he became deeply involved in the teachings and sharing of the gospel. This was before hypocrisy boiled to the surface leaving Jordan to move on and explore Eastern religions. 
Yet even with the broadening of his undertanding, Jordan knew there was still something missing….

And as it so often does, a book appeared…
A book by author Jane Roberts and Jordan found himself intrigued by her relationship with a non-corporeal (spirit without a body) being named Seth. 

Jordan felt a higher wisdom through Jane and Seth and the search continued.
Finally, on a visit to a channel, Jordan was introduced to Joshua for ‘not quite’ the first time.

Becauase the most amazing thing was…
Jordan had been hearing Joshua’s voice his whole life.

Jordan and Joshua agreed on a purpose, a journey they would go through in this lifetime, and he would be a channel for Joshua in this age. A journey dedicated to awakening planetary stewards.  

Who really is Joshua

‘If you were to imagine Joshua as an ocean, then I’m like a bucket of water scooped out of that ocean, but never separated from it,’ Jordan says with a big smile on his face,  acknowledging the essence of Joshua dwells within this water,  just a small portion of the vast entity that he is.

“Joshua is beyond my scope of understanding his he is an entity or defines himself as an entity, which means he is a source of many souls.”


These souls, in turn, are the sources of many lifetimes.

It’s a massive concept that can be difficult to grasp, but it’s a journey worth taking.
Jordan acknowledges that Joshua’s teachings have led us to understand that “time is an illusion.”

“All of the lifetimes that would be scooped from the ocean of Joshua, no matter what time space coordinates they’re in. For him. It’s all happening right now.” 


A fascinating concept he admits has taken him years to understand.

“Time is a construct that we use just to live a lifetime,”


This message to embrace the present and live in the now is so potent. 
Knowing that all of our lifetimes are happening simultaneously and “all of this is happening now.”

40 Years of Connection

Jordan and Joshua went from having a conversation to singing in chorus.

“Our connection over the 40 years has become quite seamless. In the beginning, we would have solo voices, Joshua had his own voice, Jordan has his own voice. And as we work together over time, this connection grew closer and closer to the point where now I think you can tell, we speak as a chorus,’

-Jordan and Joshua

Planting and watering the seeds of awaking

Through Jordan, Joshua’s teachings always center around awakening.

As Joshua puts it, “We are in a time of awakening, we’re planting and watering the seeds of awakening.”

We are being given an opportunity to wake up and become a part of the one consciousness that is creating a world of abundance.
Yet this doesn’t relinquish agency.

‘Now, what each person intends to do with it, is their freewill. Their free choice,’

– Jordan and Joshua

So how do we gently shake people awake?
How do we encourage them to explore their own awakening?
And Jordan and Joshua share this beautiful answer…

“Follow your bliss, follow the path that you feel called on.”

– Jordan and Joshua

It’s all about integrating our whole selves and embracing all aspects of who we are.

As Jordan shares from his personal journey, integrating his whole self was a transformative experience and Joshua gave him a simple yet powerful tool to awaken him to his oneness…
Anything he could think of, he was to say to himself, “I am that too.”

The full polarity of this existence as spirit in a body from love and positivity to bigotry and judgements, it’s all in there.

They knows we cannot be separated from the light and the shadow. It’s about balancing the two and accepting all aspects of who we are.

“Be yourself. Be Whole.”

– Jordan and Joshua

The Call

Following this path of awakening and integrating our whole selves, it is important to remember that we are not alone in this journey.

We are part of a community of teachers, leaders, and healers who are planting the seeds of a new love-based reality. Jordan recognises the importance of this community and the role we play in the transition to a new world.

“If you are listening to this Joshua teaches at an advanced level because he knows that we are capable of more than we think. We are the leaders, healers, and teachers of our time, and it is up to us to carry forth the message of oneness and help others awaken to their true selves.’


On the teachings they both share that “This is a master course in oneness,” and amidst a conversation of sage advice this one rings true for us as we build out the ‘Positive Prime’ and ‘Be Positivity’ ecosystem.  

“Choose your company carefully,’ says Jordan.

‘That’s why I love Positive Prime, I found my tribe, there you are. I love you guys.’

– Jordan

Because we are a growing community of people who are dedicated to a path of deeper connection and an understanding that we need lots of different humans and technologies to support our journey.

The Seventh Understanding

The seventh major understanding that Joshua teaches us are all a part of the larger understanding of our whole being, which is oneness.

As we continue to awaken and plant the seeds of love, compassion, and global peace, we will begin to experience a new reality that we have yet to experience in our known history.
So let us continue to shake people gently awake and ask them what they will do with this awakening.

We align with this mission as we explore together in our journey towards a more Positive world where oneness is leading the way.

As Jordan says, “It’s time.”

Curious about Jordan and Joshua and want to hear more?

You can learn more about Jordan and Joshua at joshuabooksbyjordan.com. There you will see they have co-authored several amazing books together. Jordan also assured us he will be sharing more of their collective wisdom on their facebook page here.

And if you would like to try Positive Prime and experience Jordan’s Session ‘Graceful intentions for powerful change’ (with all the full features including personalisation) plus 100s of other Sessions to assist you on your path to brighter intuition and positivity. You can find the link for a ten-day trial here. 

About Jordan Gray

I am a master teacher of Oneness and a joyful global change leader. I serve humankind as I follow my simple path to let the light grow, to let love show, and to let life be fun. I am an eternal student on an infinite journey, and I gladly share what I am learning with you. To the best of my ability, I practice my intentions to be the change I desire in my personal, local, and global reality. I release expectations that I must be perfect. When I slip, I forgive myself completely and begin again. Our mission (Jordan and Joshua) is created by love and dedicated to humankind with JOY.




Full Interview on the Positive Prime Podcast

Listen in as Benny and Kim light up talking to Jordan.

Benny Wallington is a peak performance coach with the Flow Genome Project and a lover of story.

He created the 101 Tokens movement, assisting thousands of people to transform their vices across the world.  

Benny WallingtonStoryteller at Positive Prime

Kim Serafini is the creator of Positive Prime. She’s a much-loved executive coach & business advisor and the inventor of Lithos Therapy.

Kim has also written a bestselling book, is a world-class keynote speaker, and angel investor.


Kim SerafiniFounder and CEO of Positive Prime

Graceful Intentions for Powerful Change by Jordan Gray

This session awakens the creator within and inspires you to remember that you create your dream of this lifetime. We always find what we seek. Our intentions focus our attention on what we want to find.

Get access to ‘Graceful Intentions for Powerful Change; and 100+ other specially designed Sessions on topics like ‘Wellness’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Success’ and ‘Healing’.

Scientifically researched at the Brain Computer Interface lab, within the School of Engineering
at the University of Technology (UTS) in 2022.

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