Participate in
The ChangeMaker Series

The Real Reality Series

Join the Revolutionary The ChangeMaker Series and Witness
Trailblazing Entrepreneurs Transforming the World

What is
The ChangeMaker?

Introducing “The ChangeMaker,” a captivating docu-series that spotlights
10-14 remarkable social impact entrepreneurs from across the globe.
These visionary individuals are true change agents within their communities. Together, they
will reside and collaborate at the esteemed ChangeMaker’s Clubhouse, a hub where they’ll foster,
nurture, and dedicate themselves to their transformative endeavors. This groundbreaking series will showcase a rich tapestry of diverse social impact initiatives, inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Each episode will present themed challenges that push the boundaries of these entrepreneurs, allowing viewers to witness their unwavering determination, ingenuity, and resilience firsthand. Through thought-provoking interview and group sessions, viewers will have the
privilege of witnessing the ChangeMakers’ raw motivations, triumphant victories over
obstacles, and their authentic selves as they embark on their
quest for lasting changes.

“The ChangeMaker” aspires to ignite a spark within viewers,
motivating them to effect positive change and rally behind
these extraordinary entrepreneurs
as they set out to reshape the world.

As a ChangeMaker

Whether you’re just starting out or well into your entrepreneurial journey, The ChangeMaker Series is eager to connect with you. This transformative global series offers a unique opportunity to elevate your business into the ranks of a thriving global social enterprise. Join us and embark on an exciting journey.

As a Change Leader or Guiding Light

Join us as an Advisor in The ChangeMaker Series and share your knowledge to inspire the next generation of ChangeMakers. Express your interest below and The ChangeMaker team will get in contact with you.

As a donor

Help us inspire and reward innovative social impact entrepreneurs. We’re aiming to raise USD $1M to create a prize pool that can truly transform lives and communities. Your generous donation will directly support these change-makers and their solutions.

As a Sponsor

Elevate your brand’s visibility and align it with innovation and social impact. Through sponsoring The ChangeMaker Series, you’ll have a global platform to showcase your product or service to our dedicated and engaged audience. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded people.

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