Positive Prime

An even Brighter Day every Day

Watch “Illuminate Your Magic”
by Brenda Jacobson

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Scroll down to learn more about Brenda and her journey with Positive Prime.

How to reclaim your sacred rite to magic
and intuition

Do you remember a time when you saw magic as a child? Do you ever feel like it disappeared? Imagine if we were never supposed to stop seeing it?
Imagine if it never went anywhere?
Executive trainer, business strategist and author Brenda Jacobson says, we all possess ‘innate magic’ and it’s now her mission to support people to reclaim this power and illuminate their lives.

The Tranquilised Generations

Brenda spent 30 years hiding from her innate ability to feel her intuition.

A member of the ongoing tranquilised generation(s), Brenda was forced to ‘pop the pill to make the weird go away’ like thousands of children (and adults) continue to now.

“My parents decided to put me on tranquillisers in Grade One to stop my “daytime nightmares”. This is what they were called.

It made me think that there was something wrong with me.

That I was broken.

And from that point on, I couldn’t let people know the truth about me.

I had to hide from the world,” said Brenda.




In the not too distant future, some people might look back on our modern schooling system as a form of slavery…

That might be a shock for some to hear, but if you think about where most of us from the past five or six decades have landed, it is doing a “job” that society at large told us was “meaningful”.

But there’s something happening.
Something moving within us.
There is a transition occurring and there is a silver lining with a new generation of people finding their way back to purpose.
Finding their way back via their intuition. 

To the magic and genius that was our sacred right as a child. 

As one of the Chief Editors of Wired Magazine Kevin Kelly once said, 

“That thing that made you weird as a kid could you make great as an adult — if you don’t lose it.”

And Brenda’s work is about reclaiming the weirdness to make us great.
Brenda’s work is about remembering. 

Getting Freakquency


This word ‘weird’ was once upon a time spelt ‘wyrd’ and meant ‘fate’, ‘destiny’ or ‘calling’.
Sit with that for a moment.
How does this change things for being one of those weirdos as a kid?

“I’ll come into certain situations where somebody will make a comment like, ‘Oh, you’re so weird’ even in a friendly way” says Brenda.

And in the past, it would make her feel like she couldn’t function in the world.
Like she was continually being called out.
But it was out of the weird that Brenda found her wyrd, her power, and she’s never been the same.

“The whole world takes on a whole new vibrancy when you can be real and stand in your power.”


Your Investment in Yourself = Your Power to Show Up

As a coach, advisor and strategist, Brenda’s goal is to teach her students to step up and stand strong in this power. With metaphors being the language of translation and understanding, Brenda uses the ‘internet’ to share how to tap into the inherent intuition we all have.

“The way I teach my students is I equate it to the internet, everyone has access to it, everyone can tap in.

It just depends on how much they’re willing to invest in their equipment.

Some people won’t invest anything, they can’t tap in, and others get the most high powered equipment.
They get much better reception and much better performance,”


And the cost for admission into your intuition is nothing short of your willingness to change.

“With intuition, the investment is in yourself.
What attachments are you willing to let go of?
What belief systems no longer serve you?”

It takes a lot of courage to look deep within and reveal who you really are.
Society has not conditioned us to be accepting of anything that falls outside of that very narrow norm.
It takes a lot of courage to go there.
And that’s the investment that you need in order to tap into intuition.”


We just wanna’ be heard

It’s an all too familiar story that we don’t get the opportunity to share what made us magical, what made us weird and brilliant. And it’s often because we haven’t found the right community or people to listen to us.

It’s why the Positive Prime community makes regular connection time and opportunities for everyone to be heard. Because we’re all different and living in our own subjective reality, sometimes we do feel alone, but it takes only one person to stop and listen.

And that can change everything…

Brenda remembers one situation where a dear friend got upset with her about the path she was taking, calling her “weird” and storming off to bed with a few too many sherries under the belt. 

Has this ever happened to you?

Yet for Brenda there was one of those special silver linings we were talking about, as all it took was her friend’s husband lending Brenda his ear that made all the difference.

“We sat up for another three hours talking about all the different life experiences that I’d had that led me to this and I said, ‘so do you still think I’m really weird?’
And he said ‘no, I think you’re a beautiful human being that has had really different experiences than I’ve had.’

And I said ‘thank you.
Thank you.

That’s all I need to hear.'”


Do you have someone to listen to who truly listens in your life?
If you don’t reach out to Brenda, her details are below.
Or join one of our Positive Prime community calls.
Click here for more details

Decades in Days!

And the work that Brenda does with human to human connection is bolstered with her collaboration with Positive Prime and our community.

“[With Positive Prime] the joy is what used to take 20 years can be done in a few weeks to breakthrough. I don’t say that we are awakening consciously or have all the answers, I say we are really excited about collaborating with people who have another element that we don’t have. So we’re partnering with Jackie Simmons and her Success Journey Academy, and we’re partnering with Positive Prime. 


Intuitive Session Selections

When Brenda logs into Positive Prime for herself or one of her clients she calls on her innate magic to guide the Session. Of course there are carefully designed categories built into the system, but it’s interesting to hear how Brenda does it with her trained intuitive lens.

“And I love what you’re doing with Positive Prime. It’s kind of one-stop shopping for people to come and look at what they need.

I know for me, it was trial and error.
I had to pay a lot of money going out and trying different things [people and products].
And even though they were powerful at what they did, it wasn’t what worked for me.

You know, it was a great modality, but it wasn’t what my body needed at the time.
Now if I knew then what I know now I could tap in and align and say, ‘What is the next best thing for me?’,  I could have saved a heck of a lot of time and money doing that and getting the solutions.

And that’s what I do with Positive Prime,
I will tap in and say, “which is the best session for me today?”


We recommend you give it a try.

Next time you login, ask yourself, “Which is the best Session for me today?”
Follow your intuition and sink into the Session that calls out to you, even if it’s not the one you thought.

Fuel for Evolution

To evolve and to leave everything better are some of the most potent words when it comes to how we might live our lives. And priming yourself for positivity, even amidst the chaos, is one of the best forms of fuel for your day. 

It stabilised you as you lean into the potential of discovering your magic and it’s helpful to remember that it has always been there for us… 

“We all came into this world wrapped in a unique form of magic, for the purpose of enhancing life for ourselves, and for those around us.

And it’s really time to illuminate that magic.

To step into our power to allow the world to experience our full brilliance.

And this is what the world needs us to do.

To contribute, to create that new template.
If we can stand in that integrity of our truth and embrace our own uniqueness we provide the fuel for evolution.” 


For those who love a good affirmation and especially those who place them into their Positive Prime Sessions, there are a few nuggets to borrow from Brenda in this last quote!  

Of course, you can also feel the full resonance of Brenda’s work by watching her Session “Illuminate your Magic” above. But to personalise you will need to login to your account or join our community of positively primed humans with a complimentary 10-day trial. 

To connect with or hear more from Brenda you can also find her phenomenal work at Awaken Consciously. 

About Brenda Jacobson

Brenda Jacobson is passionate about helping people tap into their uniqueness on all levels of life. This became a personal quest after she fell over 3,000 feet down a mountain while skiing resulting in 5 years of recovery. Combining this wisdom with decades as a speaker, author, international trainer, finance executive, and business strategist, she has emerged as a master of optimizing personal performance. Brenda founded Awakening Consciously to provide new world tools and strategies for people to awaken their lives, reclaim their power and illuminate their MAGIC.


Full Interview on the Positive Prime Podcast

Listen in as Benny and Kim light up talking to Dr. Brenda

Benny Wallington is a peak performance coach with the Flow Genome Project and a lover of story.

He created the 101 Tokens app, assisting thousands of people to transform their vices across the world.  

Benny WallingtonStoryteller at Positive Prime

Kim Serafini is the creator of Positive Prime. She’s a much-loved executive coach & business advisor and the inventor of Lithos Therapy.

Kim has also written a bestselling book, is a world-class keynote speaker, and angel investor.


Kim SerafiniFounder and CEO of Positive Prime

Illuminate Your Magic by Brenda Jacobson

We all came into this world wrapped in a unique magic to enhance life — for ourselves and those around us. Many keep this hidden deep within for fear of being different. NOT
ANYMORE! It is time to illuminate your magic , step into your power, and allow the world to experience your full brilliance.

Get access to ‘Illuminate Your Magic; and 100+ other specially designed Sessions on topics like ‘Wellness’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Success’ and ‘Healing’.

Scientifically researched at the Brain Computer Interface lab, within the School of Engineering
at the University of Technology (UTS) in 2022.

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like these below:

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It’s time to act and enjoy the life you deserve.

Marisa Peer

Founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy

Marci Shimoff

New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher

Lion Goodman

Belief therapist and a
healer of the psyche

Joe Vitale

Spiritual teacher best known for his appearance in the movie, The Secret, and as the author of The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits

DTaRelle Tullis

National and international keynote speaker, consultant, trainer, coach and author. She speaks weekly as a Co-host on the Billionaire Mastermind Forum Broadcast