Positive Prime Professional Leaders Program:
Become a Leader, Certified Consultant or Ambassador

A positively primed mind is one that goes the distance with you in your life. It helps you navigate a fast paced world where change and uncertainty have become the daily norm.

Imagine what it would be like to help transform your clients, customers, colleagues, family, friends, and more by using a cutting edge yet simple tool like Positive Prime.

Our movement around positive change is gaining real momentum. And our Professional Programs are open for you to join now. If you have been looking for something to differentiate yourself while making a powerful difference in whatever field you’re in, one of our three programs may be the perfect solution.

It’s an ideal Professional program to participate in to add to your current income stream, become a more powerful facilitator, or to leverage your own peak performance, joy and health.

Features & Benefits of Becoming a Positive Prime Professional Leader:

Your Own Bespoke Positive Prime Session

A special customized Positive Prime Session that is based on Positive Psychology. Your session will be filled with over 800 curated images and phrases that your clients and customers will watch for their daily dose of momentum, motivation and helping them achieve their goals faster.

Celebration & Conference

In the fall of 2023 when the pandemic will be a distant memory, we here at Positive Prime are creating a unique conference experience that will be held for all leaders on the east coast of North America.

Featured Promotion

Appear in a special interview & webinar with Kim Serafini & have Positive Prime promote your name, brand, message & Session. Improve your reputation. Increase your profile. If you’re an influencer or want to engage in self-promotion this is a huge advantage.

Positive Prime Session On Your Website via our Proprietary Player

Your own Positive Prime session player inside your website via a customized API, if you would like to keep the traffic on your website.

Analytics - Measurements - Reporting

Our advanced tracking of usage is perfect if you’d like to provide real-time support to those you’re working with. With respect to your clients / patients / students / team members’ activity, you’ll be able to see what they’re viewing & when. We all know that “compliance” is a real issue for us as leaders / coaches / teachers / therapists – and we need a way to check whether our recommendations or prescriptions are being followed.

Positive Prime Marketing Toolbox

We will provide you with advanced marketing resources to promote your Positive Prime session to your audience. This will consist of a online marketing guide, social media graphics, quote cards, and more.

Advanced, Guided Certification

Positive Psychology, Neuroscience & Changing the Mind & Brain is one of the most interesting, and fastest GROWING areas of the human potential & professional development movements at the moment. Having our world-class & loved Positive Prime Certification will be fantastic. You will learn from guest lecturers, teachers, and study groups. Even more rewarding is having the knowledge for yourself to apply in your own life! It certainly adds value for coaches’ & therapists’ clients and teachers’ students.

Mentor & Access to Our Exclusive Professionals Community

Embrace the opportunity to mastermind with inspiring professionals who are all striving to realise their full potential & in doing so are amazing role-models for each other & also their clients / students / staff.

This Program is for:

If you’re a transformational teacher, change champion, personal development devotee, or enlightened entrepreneur, one of our Professional Programs is a valuable opportunity for you….

Or if you’re a wellness professional, advocate, coach or even a performance guru….

Or even if you know anyone in these areas, please share, and we will be grateful. Positive Prime is about community and changing lives through positivity, and we believe we will change the world as we gain energy and momentum. Joining our Professional Programs is a great step forward.

We are going to take you by the hand and walk you through how to create your own program, how to use it in your work or business, and how to help your clients, customers, students, teachers, athletes and more. 

PositivePrime Leader Professional Packages

Leverage Positive Prime commercially, as a Professional & be one of the Leaders who’s offering Positive Prime within their own services.
Choose Your Preferred Level:

Level 1 - Advocate ($500)

  • Be a powerful Advocate by sharing Positive Prime as an Affiliate.
  • The self – paced training gives you the clarity, confidence, and competence to promote Positive Prime 
  • A resource rich tool kit supports your success as an Advocate.
  • Build on Level 1 Advocate when you are ready – create your own Session to publish in our Positive Prime Shop.
  • Upgrade to Positive Prime Certification and learn alongside other Positive Prime Professionals – participate in study groups, masterminds, and retreats with our highest Professional level.  

Level 2 - Leader ($4,997)

  • Be a dynamic Leader and introduce Positive Prime to organizations, schools, spas, and anywhere a positive mindset needs to be cultivated.  
  • Experience advanced levels of access to faculty experts in the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, and more.  
  • Learn from special guest presenters that will inspire and educate you.
  • Gain tips, techniques, and specific training to take Positive Prime into any market you desire. 

Level 3 - Ambassador ($9,997)

  • Be a powerful Ambassador with Positive Prime and interact at the highest, most meaningful levels of the company.
  • Participate in study groups (aka MasterMinds) as you learn from others and become more comfortable in all your Positive Prime conversations and outreach.
  • Come to our one of a kind Immersive Retreat and interact directly with Kim Serafini, President and Founder of Positive Prime.



Please join us to find out how you can reap the benefits from this unique opportunity.


This is an extraordinary tool for mental health & wellness.


This enables you as you help everyone get the results they want and need.


This facilitates & supports you, so that others “feel” your passion…


The process of assisting others to edit a Session with a private collection of photos provides opportunities to further clarify the potential & possibilities for clients.


This allows you to help others to achieve their goals with greater ease, joy, speed & natural ability…


Allow your message to resonate at a more profound level & ensure it’s integrated into the “other-than-consciousness” of your audience (clients, members, participants). The Sessions’ delivery & secret causes accelerates learning and reinforces the essence of the key & poignant suggestions, advice, recommendations, instructions & other provocative content.


You’ll feel even more fantastic, as you dramatically and powerfully change people’s lives for the better.

Positive Prime will greatly impact clients, teachers, students, athletes, and teams, and more in any industry.

Travel & Tourism

Airline Inflight Entertainment Destination Visualization

Personal Development

Encourages positive thoughts, habits and behaviours


Accelerated Learning Platform Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Authors and Thought Leaders

Summarises Key Message
and Content

Coaches & Personal Trainers

Combined branding & service delivery training tool


Publishing Mindset of Elite athletes and Sports Professionals

Corporations & Learning

Accelerated Learning Platform plus key corporate messaging platform

Medical & Healthcare

Specific Research Based Applications

We have an extraordinary opportunity for you and it’s limited & time-sensitive!

Positive Prime Session

* Together, we work to co-create a Session whereby you’re the author.

– We curate 800+ images that will resonate perfectly with your message and reinforce your intent; whilst adhering to our proprietary & scientific formula exacting the types & styles & ratio of images.

– We produce the artwork for 200+ Statements, written by you, and published within the collection of specific photos that ensure this communication is embedded into the Viewers’ other-than-consciousness.

Positive Prime hosts Your branded, bespoke Session and makes it available on a PositivePrime promotional website page for your viewers to access. 

(Value : Priceless)
Standard Price: $4,997*
Featured Price: $9,997

Positive Prime Session – Positioned on Your Website (via our Proprietary Player)

Once you have Your Session available you can go one step further & add another aspect.

We will make an API (or Application Programming Interface) so that Your Session can be experienced on Your Website {outside of the Positive Prime membership environment/platform}

This is great for our Partners who would like the traffic to Your Website to be able to view Your Session inside this Experience Player.

Drive your audience to your own Website for your own SEO advantage.

Please note: If you have paid for the Standard Level for the Session Publishing and you can include this for an extra $1,497.

( Valued at $4,997)
Standard Price: $1,497

Certification Program:
Advanced, Guided, Guest Lecturers & Study Groups

As a Coach, Therapist &/or Leader you can inspire others even more as you integrate an understanding of the benefits of applying the Neuroscience of Change, Positive Psychology, Transformative Technologies and Change Management to your the way you serve others.

Applied Positive Psychology as it’s interwoven in NeuroTech is one of the most interesting, and fastest growing areas of science and management of our times.

Through this learning experience you will harness the knowledge necessary to harness the opportunities emerging from these fields.

( Valued at $15,000)
Live & Immersive
Level – $9,997
The Standard, Self-Paced
cost $4,997

Access to the
Professional Community

Embrace the opportunity to mastermind with inspiring professionals who are all striving to realise their full potential & in doing so are amazing role-models for each other & also their clients / students / staff. You will find our Professional Community inviting & also dedicated to helping you stay motivated to raising the bar & going beyond

( Valued at $5,000)
Standard Price: $1,197

Marketing Toolbox

This toolbox is your key that will unlock how you will capitalize on your personal and professionally curated Positive Prime session with your audience. We will walk you through all the resources and materials at your disposal so you can market your session to your audience. Some of the things inside the marketing toolbox are – marketing & promotions eguide, social media graphics, Positive Prime ebook. quote cards, PowerPoint presentation and more. These materials were created by the best of the best in online marketing.

(Valued at $997)
Standard Price: $497


We have created a back-end analytics platform that will give you up-to-date advanced statistics for anyone on your team, your coaching group, students, clients, and more using Positive Prime. You will be able to see real-time views, time watched, and more. This will enable you to connect and help them capitalize on their experience on the platform.

( Valued at $5,997)
Standard Price: $1,197

Celebration & Conference

In the fall of 2023 when the pandemic will be a distant memory, we here at Positive Prime are creating a unique conference experience that will be held for all leaders on the east coast of North America.  The goal of this conference is to gather all our esteemed leaders to learn, connect, share our wins and enjoy each other’s company. We will have several speakers that will share best practices in all areas to help you in your business and in your life. You will leave the conference with a notebook full of new ideas that you can implement straight away. And your phone filled with new contacts that you can share and connect with long after the conference has ended.

( Valued at $15,000)
Standard Price: $4,997

Featured Promotion

We will promote you and your business to the Positive Prime community. We will send out emails and Social Media Posts to promote your special masterclass you are conducting with Kim. Your Positive Prime Session will be included in the commercial listing in the Positive Prime platform.

( Valued at $9,997 )
Only available to Ambassadors

Level 3
Ambassador Level Program

Published & Promoted Professional Session on the Platform $9,997
Positive Prime Player $1,497
Advanced, Guided Certification $9,997
Celebration & Conference $4,997
Professional Community $1,197
Marketing Toolbox $497
Analytics $1,197
Featured Promotion $9,997
Special Event Price


Standard Price:


Special Package for New Ambassadors:
Once-Only Upgrade to EPIC membership

This offer is only good for the first 30 people who pay in full and commit to an additional $500 per month.

Special Launch offer will expire on








Kim Serafini’s Positive Priming Sessions are featured on Oprah’s 21 Days to a Happier Life series with Shawn Achor

Features & Benefits of Becoming a Positive Prime Professional Leader:

#1 Create & Publish Your Own Bespoke Positive Prime Session

(Value: Priceless)
Standard Price: $4,997

Your Message Amplified – Resonates deeper, for longer

Scientifically, YOUR messages are BEST “delivered” to a positively-primed mind… so ANY/ALL teachers or managers or therapists or coaches would have their “messages” resonate & be remembered & recalled more effectively WHEN those messages are communicated WITHIN a PositivePrime Session…

Positive Prime hosts Your branded, bespoke Session and makes it available on a PositivePrime promotional website page for your viewers to access.

There are 2 Additional Aspects.

#1 – Your Session on Your Website via our Experience Player

#2 – Your Session featured via our Platform available to our Subscribers.

* Please note, to have your Session featured within the Platform and made available to the whole PositivePrime subscriber/user-base you must be an Approved Ambassador for PositivePrime at the Elite level. This does not necessarily mean that you have completed our Certification Program & that you’ve been awarded as a Professional Leader for PositivePrime.

What is a Positive Prime session?

Positive Prime is a massively successful neuroscientific & positive psychology tech tool & platform for accelerated learning and
powerful changes in attitudes, skills & habits at the autonomic level.

Anyone “uses it” — and “does” a uniquely styled therapeutic treatment watching what’s called a Session.

A Session requires viewing a very sophisticated, randomised slide show whilst being emotionally engaged.

Create & Publish Your Own Bespoke Positive Prime Session

Co-create with our team, brining to life, a potent & commercial Session for your own purposes.

Your own branded, professionally customized Positive Prime Session as a revolutionary accelerated-learning educational resource, driver of change & master marketing tool. 3-in-1 as you add neuroscience & positive psychology breakthroughs to your programs & treatments. Eliminate limiting beliefs & self-sabotage for your clients as they successfully achieve their goals. Reinforce amazing new habits. This is creative visualisation & the power of gratitude wrapped into the experience.

(*Dive deeper on this page for more details on how & why)

#2 Positive Prime Session – Positioned on Your Website
via our Proprietary Player

(Valued at $4,997)
Standard Price: $1,497

Embed Your Session On Your Website!

Consistently attract repeat traffic to your website & provide extra value that continues to move the needle

Display your incredible tailored Positive Prime Session on your own website. It will appear within the proprietary player & deliver an experience that adheres to the scientifically proven formula that ensures Positive Priming* of your audience with the magic & meaning of your messages. The specific API embed technology enables the processes to “live within” your secure environment.

Given your audience will return again & again to watch your Session dwell times should improve & SEO should increase! Harness this PR effect! Take advantage of this marketing upside.

Because your audience is being positively primed within your branding the feelings & intentions of your brand will help your audience to “feel positively” towards it, more naturally, organically & in an enduring way. This is extremely powerful. 

#3 Certification Program: Advanced, Guided,
Guest Lecturers & Study Groups

Your Authority, Uniqueness & Differentiation Shines

(Valued at $15,000)
Live & Immersive Level – $9,997
The Standard, Self-Paced – cost $4,997

Discover How to Help Transform Others & Your Business With Advanced Knowledge From Our Experts

The future is here now… Applied neuroscience & positive psychology are integrated into your knowledge, skills, and talents. Set yourself apart & be ahead of the curve. Enhance what you already do with excellence as you proceed through to become qualified & authorised to represent Positive Prime Technology. Go beyond as an Official Positive Prime Consultant if you wish to introduce this to institutions, organisations & colleagues too.

Changing the Mind & Brain is one of the most interesting, and fastest GROWING areas of the human potential & professional development movements at the moment; as we are sure you’re aware…

Having our exceptional & loved Positive Prime Certification will be fantastic. Even more rewarding is gaining the knowledge for yourself to apply in your own life! Plus, it will add value for coaches’ & therapists’ clients and teachers’ students.

Our classes are both Live via group webinars, and also recorded videos & a host of carefully chosen resources that have been selected through a refined process.

What matters for real practitioners, in real life, with real clients is our priority.

We will be focused on “How-To” optimise the utilisation of this information so that you can guarantee your clients & students results that are enhanced, enduring & swiftly observable.

#4 Positive Prime Marketing Toolbox

We are going to take you by the hand and walk you through
how to promote your Session.

(Valued at $997)
Standard Price $497

Expertly Curated Proven Marketing Tools

This toolbox is your key that will unlock how you will capitalize on your personal and professionally curated Positive Prime session with your audience.

We will walk you through all the resources and materials at your disposal so you can market your session to your audience.

Some of the things inside the marketing toolbox are – marketing & promotions eguide, social media graphics, Positive Prime ebook. quote cards, PowerPoint presentations, and more. These materials were created by the best of the best in online marketing.

#5 Access To Our Exclusive Professionals Community

(Standard Price: $1,197)

You’re Guided, Nurtured, Mentored & Cheered.

Embrace the opportunity to mastermind with inspiring professionals who are all striving to realise their full potential & in doing so are amazing role models for each other & also their clients, students, and staff.

You will find our Professional Community inviting & also dedicated to helping you stay motivated to raising the bar & going beyond.

You will learn how & why Positive Prime makes someone smarter and why it changes our beliefs, attitudes & habits!

Kim Serafini, the CEO & founder, is also very approachable, accessible & inspiring. She is “there for you” and is very generous in her nature. Her time & insights are extremely valuable & you will be very grateful being up close & personal!

#6 Analytics

( Valued at $5,997)
Standard Price: $1,197

Cutting Edge Analytics

We have created a back-end analytics platform that will give you up-to-date advanced statistics for anyone on your team, your coaching group, students, clients, and more using Positive Prime.

You will be able to see real-time views, time watched, and more.

This will enable you to connect and help them capitalize on their experience on the platform.

#7 Celebration & Conference

(Valued at $15,000)
Standard Price: $4,997

You’re Inspired, Connecting & Sharing

In the fall of 2023 when the pandemic will be a distant memory, we here at Positive Prime are creating a unique conference experience that will be held for all leaders
on the east coast of North America.

The goal of this conference is to gather all our esteemed leaders to learn, connect, share our wins and enjoy each other’s company.

We will have several speakers that will share best practices in all areas to help you in your business and in your life. You will leave the conference with a notebook full of new ideas that you can implement straight away. And your phone filled with new contacts that you can share and connect with long after the conference has ended.

#8 Featured Promotion

( Valued at $9,997 )
Only available to Ambassadors

We will promote you and your business to the Positive Prime community. We will send out emails and Social Media Posts to promote your special masterclass you are conducting with Kim.

Your Positive Prime Session will be included in the commercial listing in the Positive Prime platform.

Only Signature members can sign up to the Leader’s Program

The Signature Subscription for Positive Prime as a personal program keeps you expansive & allows your own up-leveling. This is a yearly management and maintenance requirement for all Professionals who wish to continue with access to edits for their Professional Session and are also committed to their own personal enlightenment journey.

Membership includes ALL of the following:

Positive Prime Full Access

  • Access to all 100+ Positive Prime Sessions created by world class coaches, including Jack Canfield, Dana Wilde and Joe Vitale
  • New Sessions added weekly on topics like finding wealth, beating anxiety and discovering daily happiness
  • Personalise your experience by uploading & integrating your own photos into your Sessions

Exclusive Extras

  • A Brand New SuperMix Session added every month – SuperMixes combine multiple sessions for supercharging visual hypnosis and discovering a deeper state of Positive Priming.
  • Bonus Session Support E-Guides: including empowerment Flash Cards

Bonus Gifts

  • Positive Prime Exclusive 7 Magnificent Days of Think and Grow Rich Course
  • 6x Positive Prime Bonus Gifts from our community of coaches to empower you to have a happier and healthier life both at home and in the workplace. And more to come!
5 for the price of 1

Family & Friends Sharing - Celebrate Together

Help each other be accountable.

For your Family, Friends, and Clients: Gift a full (equal) subscription to Positive Prime by inviting up to 4 other people.


Whilst the primary account holder continues with an active subscription, those who are invited to share will have full access (ie. a free account that is a gift) therefore, there’s no charge for the 4 others related to the main account. 

Activate the invitations & send to your four favourite people from within your account, even during your first 10-days on your free trial. You can all try at the same time!

Support, Education & Guidance

  • Monthly group mentoring calls with founder and creator of Positive Prime – Kim Serafini
  • Weekly micro-lessons via email – Sharing wisdom, inspiration and the most effective ways to get the best out of your Positive Prime Sessions.
  • 100s of exceptional resources to support your journey and much more.

Special Launch offer will expire on:








5 pm Pacific, February 28, 2022

These Experts have all worked with Kim
to co-create an extraordinary tool for transformation: a Positive Prime Session

Jack Canfield

Multiple New York Times bestselling author, and founder Chicken Soup for the Soul

Marisa Peer

Founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy

Lion Goodman

Belief therapist and a
healer of the psyche

Marci Shimoff

New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher

Joe Vitale

Spiritual teacher best known for his appearance in the movie, The Secret, and as the author of The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits

Real People Like You

These Certified & Official PositivePrime Professionals have their own Session…
Rena Romano

The THRIVE Perspective ® There is always an “Upside”






As Seen On:

Will You Be Next?

Let’s make it happen – together!
Explore this exclusive program.

If you are already a Positive Prime Leader…

We have a special introductory deal for you!

Positive Prime Founding Members Privilege 

Sponsored Subscriptions

Easily gift a signature Positive Prime subscription to your clients/team members/staff so they get access to all  Positive Prime sessions and the edit function.

Targeted, Tailored & Dedicated Mini-Sessions

Offer a mini-session to your clients/team members/staff… that is directly related to a particular & personal issue that is being worked on.

Only 100 Spots Left…

Our Deadline for Application: February 28, 2022 @ 5pm Pacific Time

This program is powerful because it combines cutting-edge marketing resources, experts, with a  revolutionary, simple, technological solution that you can offer as a tool that will differentiate you in the marketplace. It will also, boost profitability, help bond your uniqueness to your brand, raise your profile and get this unique word-of-mouth working in your favour… PLUS, and most importantly help those you serve to be BRIGHTER… mentally & emotionally… driving their improved performance in a smarter way… AND this “tool” is a “value-add” solution for YOU that you can make money from if you choose.

More questions, as yet unanswered? See Below:

Positive Prime Professionals: Terms & Conditions

This page lists down the terms and conditions set out for Positive Prime Professionals in publishing and delivering your Positive Prime Professional Session. This page lists down the terms Positive Prime agrees to.

Positive Prime Professionals: Overview

This page is an overview and Foundation for our guiding principles and intends to answer the many questions you have regarding the Positive Prime Professionals Program  

Positive Prime Professionals: Certification

This page offers more information about the Positive Prime Certification Program. This page aims to answer many questions about the program and it shows the list of the lessons included in the Certification Program.

We’re so grateful to serve happy people!
Would you like to join us?

Right Now It’s Time to Decide –
Come Join the Positive Prime Leader Family…

LAST CHANCE: Exclusive Early Bird Bonus!

Save $2,500... PLUS, receive the gift of Accomodation & Meals for 3 Days! 

Secure your spot at the Global Positive Prime Summit 2025 before February 28 and enjoy:

$2,500 OFF your ticket
Complimentary accommodation plus breakfast, lunch, dinner for 28th & 29th & 30th of May at our luxurious, Official Positive Prime hotel
Exclusive VIP experiences & networking opportunities
Access to world-class speakers, industry leaders & a Hollywood-quality movie opportunity

📩 Enter your name & email below to claim your Early Bird Bonus before it’s gone!

Thank you! Your Early Bird Bonus is secured—our team will be in touch within 24-48 hours! 🎉