Creative Excellence

Some of the biggest reasons that creativity doesn’t flow is because we either try to hard, don’t believe in ourselves, or can’t just let our imagination take over and do its work. This theme mix will help you with all of this. With consistent use they will free up your mind and instill positive thought patterns that are conductive to creativity and imagination.

Bright, Deep and Creative Living Kathleen Kinney

Ignite your motivation, creativity and delight! Coach Kathleen Kinney helps you access your enthusiasm and joy, share it with others and live inspired. Confidence and Creativity can be yours!

Can you imagine Living each day in a Beautiful Way? This Positive Prime session by Coach Kathleen Kinney will connect you to the wonder of living. Grow your happiness while you embrace harmony, grace, appreciation and creative expression.


Kathleen Kinney

About The Author

As an Artist, Life Coach and Creativity Consultant, Kathleen Kinney advocates Living each day in a Beautiful Way! She loves helping Third Chapter Women re-discover their passions and live a freer, fuller, happier life—which includes the energy and the confidence to make it happen! In this MindPT Session, Kathleen helps ignite our enthusiasm, our motivation, creativity and delight. She shows us how to access our joy, share it with others and live inspired!


Start Right Where You Are by Samantha Bennett

Don’t let feelings of overwhelm, chaos and futility rob you of your chance to make a difference in the world. This session by beloved teacher, Samantha Bennett of The Organized Artist Company will get you right into your Creativity Zone. You’ll see how little changes can make a BIG difference. Celebrate your unique voice, your originality and quit procrastinating once and for all. Everything is possible when you Start Right Where You Are.

Cancel chaos. Overcome overwhelm. Cultivate creativity. Funny, inspiring and lively, this session is great for getting into action when you’re feeling stuck.  

Samantha Bennett

About The Author

Samantha Bennett is the creator of, dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck from whatever way they’re stuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals. She is the author of the bestseller, “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” (New World Library) which Seth Godin called, “An instant classic. Essential reading for anyone who wants to create a ruckus.” Her new book, “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists” will be released by New World Library in the Fall, 2016.

Igniting The Sparks, Creating The Flow by Brenda Anderson

There is a hidden spark within each of us that is waiting to ignite and create massive flow.

Sometimes, we dim our light so that others may shine. When we allow that spark to ignite to its full brilliance, we become all we are meant to be without diminishing anyone else. This session gives you the fuel you need to take action and get into flow with your mind, body and soul. 

Brenda Anderson

About The Author

Brenda Anderson is described as a change agent that sees what is unseen and hears what is not being said. Overcoming her own challenges to success, she uses her intuition and quiet presence to stoke the embers, ignite the spark and create flow in all areas of your life.


From Ideas to Impact, Income…and Legacy by Sylvia Henderson

You have a lot of ideas to bring to reality before you leave this earth. You know your “why” and developed your blueprint – your “what”, “how”, strategy & plan to put your ideas into action. Yet something is stopping you from moving forward and taking real steps towards your dream. This session by Sylvia Henderson, creator and founder of the Idea Success Network ecosystem, unlocks your “stuck in busy” mindset and moves you to results-oriented action towards making your impact and building your legacy.

Sylvia Henderson

About The Author

Sylvia Henderson is the creator and founder of the Idea Success Network ecosystem. Clients hire her to bring their ideas from their hearts and heads, into action for profit, purpose, and significance. Sylvia’s gift and genius is to encourage the creative chaos of a lot of ideas, mold them with systems and strategies to “next steps”, and nurture the legacies that result from her guidance and relationships. She has the perfect mix of MBA business sense, corporate experience, and creative play to find your heart, guide your head, and move you to action and impact.


LAST CHANCE: Exclusive Early Bird Bonus!

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Secure your spot at the Global Positive Prime Summit 2025 before February 28 and enjoy:

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Complimentary accommodation plus breakfast, lunch, dinner for 28th & 29th & 30th of May at our luxurious, Official Positive Prime hotel
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Access to world-class speakers, industry leaders & a Hollywood-quality movie opportunity

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