Mirror Neurons
Let’s learn more about Mirror Neurons in your brain & what’s so precious about them. Watch this brand new tutorial video that’s approximately 3 minutes so I can explain why your mirror neurons are SOOOO valuable & how you can have a habit that works for you!
If you want to read about the “science” behind Mirror Neurons read these articles:

The Mirror Neuron Revolution: Explaining What Makes Humans Social
Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni discusses mirror neurons, autism and the potentially damaging effects of violent movies.

Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni on how mirror neurons teach us to be human
Neuroscientist and UCLA professor Marco Iacoboni talks about how mirror neurons affect our society.
Amy Cuddy And Power Posing
Amy talks about “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can boost feelings of confidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success. Positive Prime Session uses various photos which shows “power posing” and powerful Body languages.
Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy argues that “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can boost feelings of confidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success.

Amy Cuddy - Body Language, Confidence
Amy Cuddy suggests that our body language governs how we think and feel about ourselves, and thus, how we hold our bodies can have an impact on our minds.