Positive Priming And Placebo Effect

What if our mindset determines our health outcomes?

Exploring the Placebo Effect & Stress Interventions & Priming to Change our Lens… this is an EXTRAORDINARY TEDx Talk by Dr Alia Crum:

Please watch this as soon as you can! We believe it’s worth finding the time to extract the value from the message.

Dr. Alia Crum

Stanford professor, athlete and psychologist Alia Crum investigates the role of mindsets in affecting health behaviors and outcomes. Inspired by research on the placebo effect, Alia’s research was the first to reveal the physiological effects of mindset in core areas of behavioral health, including the benefits of exercise, the metabolic processing of nutrients, and the effects of stress.

Alia’s research moves us beyond the limited notion of the placebo effect as a mysterious response to an inert substance toward recognizing that, ultimately, our mindset is responsible for physiological responses. As the director of the Mind & Body Lab and the health director at Stanford SPARQ, Alia leads researchers in better defining and utilizing the roles social and psychological forces play in overcoming chronic disease.