Dear Positive Prime Influencer 🙂

 This is a very long email loaded with extremely important details – please give yourself the gift of understanding the processes, structures & prizes associated…

If you’d like a new account in our fabulous Positive Prime environment, please join us for the Guided Tour. Let us know if you want the recording which will be essential for you to get the “Sign-Up” link…   

Allow me to share a personal story… it’s going to be worth it…

Comfortably sitting in my favourite spot on the powder-blue lounge, reading a book, the day after Christmas & I yelped out… O, That’s IT! I’ve got it…

A penny dropped… A lightbulb was illuminated in my head… I had a prized ah-ha. It reverberated throughout my skeleton… Feeling it in my bones, I rejoiced!

Allow me to explain what it is – the consequences & implications – and how you can benefit from it & take advantage of the insights… Perhaps it’s also the KEY to claiming one of the Prizes, including visiting me at the Nautilus Estate in Noosa (which is on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane, in the state of Queensland, in Australia…)

Was it a spell?

I’d been VERY successful during my twenties through to my mid-thirties: travelling the world, living & working in the UK & the USA & Europe, wildly wealthy & paid a fortune for my brilliance in Corporate life as a Consultant & then I started an amazing small business that was a global phenomenon…

But, then… as if a curse or spell had been cast… I started a roller-coaster ride in my late 30s & early 40s… High highs… and devastating lows…

I’d had some serious challenges before that – but sailed through them… I was such a high vibration I “cured” myself of cancer in my Uterus as if instantly & miraculously by doing my own Reiki healing on myself… (I was also still teaching Lithos Therapy and was receiving the treatment very regularly.)

My life was rich. I’d been blessed with an infinite number of privileges. I was already a best-selling author too…

Resilience to the Rescue

Even thought I’d been exposed to a lot of “Change Theory” – in my corporate work, I stumbled across the “relevant research” – as I’ve shared with you – on “RESILIENCE”.

Given the ups & downs, I thought it was best I studied “how-to” RECOVER. Setting out to become RESILIENT I uncovered a hidden & useful aspect of resilience: it also helps with enjoying the journey of life !!! It led me to “positive psychology” and “neuroscience”… The Spa Industry had presented me with an opportunity to acquire a unique understanding of “mindfulness” in practice at Retreats in the Himalayas long before it became concept de jour.

For more on resilience & neuroplasticity:

Secrets of Success

I’ve been DRIVEN to uncover the “secrets” to success… and abundance… given how charmed my 20s were… but the “special ingredient” seemed ELUSIVE… Wondering if my good fortune had perhaps been luck, I felt anxious about whether I could “repeat” whatever the steps were that led to my buoyancy in younger days.

Was it the UK vs Australia? What is a massive city like London vs small town like Brisbane? Was it the environment of large organisations vs being self-employed & working from home?

Was I “bullet-proof” in my green-state, a naivé that comes with youthfulness vs facing realities that come with reaching middle-age? Do we all lose our confidence?

Had I suffered at my own hands with SELF-SABOTAGE?(

I wouldn’t even know about the Fear of Success vs the Fear of Failure had I not completed the entire of “Mastery University” with Anthony Robbins…)

I needed to know… And, I’ve been vigorous in figuring it out & seeking answers from outstanding & wise leaders over the past 10 years.

What’s more, I want to help others “prevent” a slide downwards and or assist them in rising up…

The Grass Is Greener

Now, I should put this into perspective… Even today, from the outside looking into my life, most people consider me EXTREMELY successful… driven… tenacious… motivating… peaceful, blessed & wealthy, well-loved, vibrantly healthy, inspiring etc etc…

But deep within I have known, and I know now there’s sooooooo much more of ME to “realize my FULLEST & BRIGHTEST & BIGGEST Potential”…

I “follow-up & follow-through” on most of what I’ve learned… I still make mistakes & have to fix them… I’m beating anxiety. I’ve healed from unhealthy addictions like smoking. I’ve overcome insomnia. I’ve dealt with procrastination. I’ve developed my self-confidence. I’ve processed the grief from not having my own children. I’m genuinely joyful. I spread cheer. I’m enthusiastic & effervescent for 90% of the time. I’ve transformed the way-too-serious ME and replaced her with a more PLAYFUL me. I’m laser-focused. I’m sharp. I’m dedicated & concentrated. I’m pursuing my calling; I have real purpose. I have fabulous friends and exceptional bonds with my family. The romantic relationship I share with a man who is much better than I ever could have manifested without some “higher power at play” is exquisite for 99.9% of the time, and I’m intensely grateful… 

The point is not to ‘brag’ – but to share with you that the GRASS IS GREENER on the other side… and learning, stretching yourself, working with advisors, self-improvement, personal development, realising your potential, examining your core beliefs and exploring new paradigms for life IS certainly rewarding… If you’re stagnating or need a boost… Re-start now with Positive Prime…

My “evolution” has an infinite quality about it… I’ll continue learning, improving & developing & enhancing & expanding forever…

I’m not afraid to hear what I don’t want to! I’m willing & able to receive feedback & consider its merits – even if it stings or hurts… I’m adventurous about changing my character, my personality & the results I aim to achieve in life! I’ve grown more considerate & thoughtful… I’m becoming even more kind & caring… I have absolute clarity about my responsibilities & accountabilities. I trust myself to DREAM…

I hope you’ve committed to do so as well… Naturally, we’re kindred spirits if you have…

If you need help you could consider me as a “guide / mentor / cheerleader / healer / advisor” – and work with me directly:

Together Forever

Let’s see how many lives we can positively influence in our life-times and the positive impacts we can make & the legacies we can leave…Especially if that’s showing others how to be passionate, peaceful, abundantly prosperous and acutely aware of our need to be compassionate in every moment…

I have to say – I’ve learned A LOT about how to IMPROVE things like my eyesight as well – it’s BETTER – technically (confirmed by an Optometrist) than it was 5 years ago – or 20 years ago… Same for my hearing – as it was just tested & it’s PERFECT… So, there have been biological miracles as well !!

Potential & Purpose

Drawn like a moth to a FLAME I read Shawn Achor’s recent best-seller: “Big Potential”…

Most people in my inner circle know that I feel an incredible gift from God was offered when I had the special opportunity to meet him and work with him and his wife, Michelle & his sister, Amy & brother-in-law, Dr Bobo… PRECIOUS & valued – is a huge understatement !! There are many people I admire & respect but this family WALKS THEIR TALK – and I truly treasure that !!!

Watch Shawn’s famous TED talk here:

You’ll remember my references to living in Nature within Nautilus Estate where we host Serafini Mind Spa in Australia – because I believe in enabling us (making it easier to) to walk our talk!!!

You may remember the reference to research I’ve shared before about SEEING an image (photograph or reality) where 70% is tree canopy or green… and the health benefits for your immune system… and more! Read these two articles from UC Berkeley.

If you’re looking for a simple way to reduce the amount of stress in your life, you might want to go find some trees to hang out under, because a new study suggests that simply taking a walk down a tree-lined street – even in an urban setting – has the power to significantly decrease your stress levels.

Have you ever wondered why you feel healthier and happier when you stroll through the trees or frolic by the sea? Is it just that you’re spending time away from work, de-stressing and taking in the view? Or is there more to it? For more than 20 years, scientists have been trying to determine the mechanisms by which exposure to biodiversity improves health.

Long-Term Performance in Careers, Emotional Wellbeing – Harvard Study with 1,600 people

On page 32 in Chapter 2 of Shawn Achor’s “Big Potential” I read about his time at Harvard University working with Dr Tal Ben-Shahar for the class of Psych 1504.

Makes You Think?

Could the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know” add some weight here?

Is Shawn’s statement auspicious, pertinent, timely or a waste of our time?

One of my best ah-has, “THAT’S IT”… came from reading Shawn’s book.

During high school I was very social. Importantly, I felt I was socially supported. I was a “standout” in THE MOST POPULAR GROUP… I partied with the best; got invited to THE BEST parties… I participated in many sports within school & also in the wider schools’ competitions & LOVED the social aspect of teams.

I participated in many drama productions & LOVED the social aspects of rehearsals & performances. I participated in many community & philanthropic programs & LOVED the social aspects of being a part of our group that helps others. Same continued through University… THEN when I started my career in London as a Change Management Consultant working on some of the most impressive deals in Mergers & Acquisition HISTORY… my socialising continued, both within the firm & also broadly within our clients’ organisations + the industry at large. It was beneficial to my career advancement. I raced to the TOP of the ladder… and it was EASY… it was SMOOTH… I was guided by wise mentors… I suspect it was because I was very social. I had a FULL life in London and made many English friends who are sill close confidants these days! I created many sincere friendships in the USA that continue to this day – 20 years later! I’ve maintain, sustained, nourished…


Have my social ways bestowed upon me “business & entrepreneurial success” Sure have! However, I was BLIND to the importance & its responsibility !! Oh. My. Golly. Gosh…

AND now I’m furnished with the awareness I can really devote myself to INVESTING in my socialising that has significance, meaning, and genuine sincerity!

Moments of silence, when my mind is deeply impacted by what I’m reading & learning, is when I can have some PROFOUND & insightful A-HA moments… They’re delicious…

Being Introverted!

Awakened, my consciousness realised that over the past 10-15 years I have become much less social. I reflected. I started to retreat in a consequential way when I developed my first deep, meaningful & long-term romantic relationship with someone who was incredibly SHY… He was an intellectual. I did a lot of “trying to be accommodating”. Even though I wanted to get out & about and spend time with friends & make new ones… I actually started to withdraw into the twosome. I was not co-dependent… but I ended up feeling ALONE… At the time, it even seemed to suit me because I’m naturally an INTROVERT (I’ve shared that many times before with you all)… And, it’s usually a SHOCK to most people… 

Because they assume I’m an extrovert given my “performance on stage” or how I behave in an entertaining manner at dinner parties. But, the truth is, I AM a classic introvert by definition… with more than a perfect facade – and a rewiring from the magnificent effects of neuroplasticity!

What do we do?

You may be wondering HOW do we steadily develop strong social connections that are mutually generous and have a momentous and significant effect on our lives?

“What beliefs do we need to have?” “What actions do we need to take?” “What character & personality strengths do we need to make a worthwhile effort towards?” “Who do you need to BE?” “What’s trust & loyalty & integrity got to do with it?”

It’s dawned on me – that I can help myself & also you! 

Let’s make one of the top priorities for 2019 all about constructing social connections that FLOURISH for everyone involved! 

My parents are VERY social… Socialising was an evolutionary requirement in the ExPat community I grew up within, in Papua New Guinea nearly 5 decades ago… It’s like the social scenes of ExPats in the UAE or Singapore nowadays… Both my Mum & Dad are very healthy in their 70s.

They’ve been faithful to each other for nearly 50 years. They have many life-long friendships that have matured magnificently. They have enjoyed tremendous success. They’ve accomplished more than most… travelled more widely than most… and raised us (their children) as elite athletes & an high achievers. We’re also happy, mentally & physically healthy… We’ve had tragedies to experience & grow from…

So… where’s this leading…

Carefully-curated Images in Sessions

You may have noticed that in ALL Sessions there are MANY images of people having fun together… socialising… making connections… enriching & nourishing their valuable relationships with friends, families, colleagues, team members, communities… they’re contributing in meaningful ways to others… it’s for a very good reason !!!

We’re PRIMING you to “develop” your social connections !!

VIP (Vital – Inspiring – Purposeful) Content in the Signature Program

The reality is – in our Signature Program (You can learn more here:

We GIFT our Participants 2 Sessions EVERY MONTH with content that we believe is imperative to THRIVING…and ensuring that this year you’ll feel like you’re in the PRIME OF YOUR LIFE.

One of those Sessions is about Developing Rich Social Connections & Reaping the Rewards…

That that end – here’s an invitation!

Please Submit Yours

If you’re exceptional at growing your social network in successful and substantial ways (I’m not talking about banal ways at ridiculous networking events where people leave feeling worse than when they arrived because of the pointless small talk & self-angrandisement they’re subjected to & the overly selfish opportunism they have to witness) THEN… we want to learn from you too…

Would you share?

Please submit your best…

…if you have a “Positive Belief Statement” or an Afformation or Affirmation or Mantra or any Advice that’s solid & well-tested, or Suggestions based upon Empirical Evidence then please email it to us – and we’ll review & incorporate the best of the best submissions it into that Session…

It’s due to be released in February… to our special participants of our Signature Program…

We’ll do our best to offer the greatest tips, hints, reminders & lessons that will make you a MASTER in the area of Spectacular & Supportive Social Connections!

Positively Prime Yourself

Together, as a team of Positive Prime Influencers (which is, who & what we really are as a group of people viewing our Sessions regularly), we’ll beat the odds & do great things! We’ll become stronger as we connect & impact others positively… by recommending that they too leverage Positive Prime… 

To that end – here’s how to WIN the “competition”

Remember Prize 1 & 2 & 3 (each valued at $5,000) are mentioned in an earlier email – that you’ll find on our blog:

  • You’re rewarded with Credits WHEN you “share” – and help another to join & create an account…
  • You’re rewarded (with LOTS of CREDITS) when YOU sign up to our Signature Program & also when you Join Us as a Professional Package
  • You’re rewarded EVEN MORE when you help other Professionals sign up to our Package…

You could easily “amass” 25,000 credits and reach the rank of Diamond @ Level 8…

WHEN you “achieve the rank of Diamond BEFORE Monday, March 11 @ 5pm EST – we’ll GIFT YOU ANOTHER 25,000 Credits…”

You’ll need 50,000 Credits to CLAIM Prize 1 or 2 or 3.

Remember, that I want to be able to organise your travel to Australia to join me on a special Serafini Mind Spa Retreat here within the Nautilus Estate…

EVERYONE WINS… There’s a PRIZE for EVERYONE who joins us within the Signature Program if they select “Annual”…

Here’s how to calculate what’s necessary to achieve the rank of Diamond FAST…

1. Create an account. 
2. Invite MANY others to do the same… 
3. Participate in our Signature Program – select the Annual payment option.
4. Encourage others to do so as well… 
5. If you’re likely to be a Professional who can leverage this platform then Get Started Now6. Ensure you support someone you know to also become a Positive Prime Professional…

You may know someone who could want to be a Professional… If so, tell them about the Package & the outrageously good fortune in our Special Launch Promotion (Deadline: Monday, March 11th @ 5pm EST)

  • A Network Marketing Leader who wants a Session to motivate their team members…
  • A Trainer who wants a Session as a resource for a workshop they run
  • A Manager of a sales team who wants to reinforce the most significant beliefs for successful sales
  • A Leader of a business or club or association who wants to reinforce the visions, values & culture
  • An Author who wants their readers to remember their salient messages
  • A Therapist who wants their patients to apply their best advice, suggestions & approaches & actions
  • A Speaker who wants the essence of their message to resonate more fully 
  • A Healer who wants their clients to RELIVE their healing
  • A Spa or Retreat owner who wants their guests to “savour” their experiences & have them “permeate” their cells into the future

How many points?

We have a special “loading” before Monday, March 11 @ 5pm EST. So there’s extra “weight” to the Credits… During this period, additional Credits apply ONLY to “upfront payments in whole; not any of the monthly or instalment options”.

CELEBRATE 2019 – BEFORE Monday, March 11 @ 5pm EST (North American Time Zone)

When you join us as Professional with the whole package there’s 1,800 credits.

When you refer another Professional there’s a BONUS of 1,500 credits for YOU… Yes, MORE 🙂 That means if you have few people in your community who follow suit you could reach the Diamond Level – and you’ll have the decision about whether or not to stay with me in Australia…

When you join us as a Participant in the Signature Program & select the Annual Upfront Payment there’s a bonus of 1440 credits.

When you refer another who also joins us as a Participant for the Annual “upfront payment” there’s a bonus of 1,600 credits.

– However, When you refer another who also joins us as a Participant, and chooses the Monthly Installment Payments, there’s a bonus of 35 credits.

Of course, when you spend time & attention LOVING the process of “positively priming yourself” (i.e. watching a Session) you’ll EARN extra credits too !!

This is a win-win-win… socialising… team building… opportunity 🙂

We want to spur you on… so if there’s ANY feedback or queries you have – please reach out to us…

Go, go, go…

The “deadline” is Monday, January 28th @ 5pm EST!!

Yes, that’s a lot of conversations you’ll need to have with team members, those in your professional groups, colleagues, friends & family…

Looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

Much Love, Kim

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime enabled by Mind Power Technology

P.S: Please share this email with friends, family, colleagues, students, clients… Encourage them to Positively Prime themselves too !!

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These 5 ways to Positively Prime your day will uplift you towards a happier, healthier life.  


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