Dear Positive Prime Influencer 🙂


In the last email I talked about “helping” – and so I’m sure you’ll follow this line of thought…

When we are more positive, we’re more likely to be more helpful… and it’s probable that we’ll also feel more joy, meaning, satisfaction and rewards from life… we’re certain to also experience the deep & profound benefits of feeling grateful – truly appreciative of “who” we are becoming, who we are in the world, and who we are sharing life’s journey with.

To that end, I wanted to share MORE about how we build-in JOY-INDUCING elements into our Positive Prime Sessions…

To set the scene please watch this wonderful TED talk.

When you watch Session be sure to notice the images that involve playing in water, bubbles, round objects (eg: Oranges), colour, bouncing, rainbows & fireworks… We’re very careful about what we “incorporate” into each & every Session we make – and WHY each Session facilitates learning & also encourages your body to engage in healthier rhythms.

We trust your RAS will highlight the colours & the curves!

We hope, as Ingrid suggests, you feel more at EASE, more ALIVE and more aligned with ABUNDANCE. Your evolutionary make-up will help you!

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime enabled by Mind Power Technology

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