Dear Positive Prime Influencer 🙂


I had a HUGE wish… and guess what – it’s been granted! In short, on an international stage I wanted to inspire & share the message of the importance of Priming ourselves DAILY… so that we can ALL be the types of people who solve the world’s highest priority issues… and can reach our BIG POTENTIAL…

Well… I’ll be sharing the message at a VERY prestigious event this year !! YES… 

Being OFFICIALLY SELECTED to appear at a coveted event has been one of my dearly held goals !!! I’ve even had the “logo” as one of my Personal Photos that appears within my Sessions as I watch them… I’ve edited my favourite Sessions with goals statements that cause me to “FOCUS”…

(Personalising a Session is an *upgrade* – PREMIUM functionality of our system and I thoroughly & wholeheartedly recommend you do it – and if you need help we are here to guide you & help you to upgrade your current MindPT account to access this ability RIGHT NOW)

If you do have a DREAM as “big” – please allow me to coach you… (Contact me here

If you want to be a part of the official world-wide launch of PositivePrime in time for the special event then we need you NOW.

We are going to be in a “pre-launch phase” for the next week or two & then a “soft-launch” phase for the next 2 – 3 months… THEN, with a big bang, we’ll be RACING to reach our goals in time for me to “announce from that stage” the results of the positive impact we will have had as a community.

There’s so much more to this story – and we have grand plans – and I’m VERY VERY VERY proud to say that we have captured the interest & attention of some very powerful people involved in this special event where I’ll be speaking!!

Wait until I can tell you WHO will be on stage too… I can sneak in a couple of clues:


  • The French creator of an Empire of Excellence
  • The German WORLD CHAMP of a truly extraordinary global sport of the elite
  • The embodiment of John Lennon’s “Imagine” for a philanthropic-purpose led foundation
  • An Olympian who participated in 5 consecutive games
  • ME
  • A few others…

I firmly believe Positive Prime is well positioned amongst these First Class & Famous Superstars also chosen to share messages with an audience… all of those messages about ideas that WILL change the WORLD & are WORTH SPREADING… 

Soon, I’ll share more 🙂 !! 

We are “starting a new” – so IF you DO ALREADY have a MINDPT account then this is a DIFFERENT environment & the rules have changed for the game – please note this:

We promise that, if you already have a MindPT account and you have PAID for “content” and you have a list of Sessions IN YOUR account… Well then, within 2 months you WILL see all of the “Content” / “Sessions” that you currently have in your library imported into your account… HOWEVER, for now you’ll create a brand new account… and you’ll be acquiring NEW content in an exhilarating way… So, in the meantime, you’ll be climbing the equivalent of Mt Everest with ME…

We’re making it FAIR FOR EVERYONE !!

Both you & I are starting again & I want us to achieve the “ranks” and get the “awards” TOGETHER.

To really understand what we’re hoping to achieve – which is more than 1,000,000 people PURPOSEFULLY PRIMING themselves POSITIVELY EVERYDAY and over 10,000 Certified & Authorized Consultants of Positive Prime world-wide… I thought we should share some of the newsletters we’ve released over the past couple of weeks… to get us all singing from the same songsheet.

    We are going to go through a PRE-LAUNCH phase & we want & need you to support each & give us your valuable feedback…


    We want everyone to sail away from the safe harbour and come & weather the wild seas of positive change with us 😉 And to “stop using” MindPT within the next 2 – 3 months and then use only Positive Prime… ‘IT WILL BE WORTH IT.

    Even if you’ve read all of the emails we’ve sent out over the past couple of weeks – allow yourself to “scan and skim over with a “racing read” for the essence of the message… If there are any links you haven’t yet clicked or TED talks you haven’t yet watched – then please do so… 

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 26

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 26

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 25

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 25

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 24

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 24

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 23

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 23

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 22

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 22

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 21

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 21

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 20

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 20

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 19

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 19

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 18

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 18

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 17

    Positive Buzz: Newsletter # 17

    Dear Positive Primer, Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here. This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us. Prepare for a...

    On Thursday 31st of January the STARTING GUN WILL FIRE for our website (our app will be available several weeks later)

    That means – you’ll have an EXCITING SHORT period of time to “Earn one of the Prizes & claim it” – you’ve got to be IN IT TO WIN IT.

    Be on the lookout for a VERY VERY LONG email, with instructions…

    In the meantime, get ready 🙂


    Kim Serafini
    CEO and Founder of
    Positive Prime enabled by Mind Power Technology

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