Nothing else I know about works within 3 minutes.
A boost through a burst…
A very short personally-responsible activity.
Watching a PositivePrime Session.
Preferably one called “Being Happier” to begin with. Moving forward with 100s of titles to choose from.
Resilience to get through “THIS” (physical distancing, job losses, economic hardship, panic over personal financial situations, feeling out-of-control, relationship crisis as more domestic violence becomes REAL, etc, etc )…
…is of paramount importance & the timing is critical…
I’m so worried about hundreds of millions around the world, and here in Australia at home too (where Aussies think our cultural “she’ll be right attitude” could actually contribute to the worsening & our downfall).
I’m most cognizant of millions of people (including me & others I care about) being “broken” from within, by the “stress & fatigue” of Covid19 (let alone those who were already fragile). AND we may NOT “recover” fully.
The best answer – “prevention”.
Simple & easy & quick: watching 3 minutes of a PositivePrime session at least once a day; ideally 3 times a day.
Please share
You can “get the experience AND benefits” direct from the front page! There’s a perfect example available to all. Yes, there’s a Session (the practice, leveraging the resource) right there available & accessible on the home page, for everyone – without creating an account.
It’s a valuable contribution & gift for F*R*E*E for everyone… all over the world, 24/7.
Personalisation is more powerful. That’s the truth & it that appeals then a Subscription is recommended. The Subscriber would need to become a Member first… and then upgrade.
Personalisation / Editing Sessions is a feature that allows you everyone to see their own name & photos they’ve uploaded through the software… photos that make you happy & are meaningful…
HOWEVER, on its OWN without seeing your name & your own photos that are meaningful & make you happy integrated within the “Session” WORKS – and has been scientifically proven.
So, perhaps you’ve NEVER “imagined” using something like PositivePrime before… but soon, millions may feel the need & if they know about it – it could SAVE THEIR LIVES in a moment…
NOW, is the best opportunity to explore & consider something you may never have seen a real reason for before confronting these situations…
So, try it out.
Share it. Your generosity in telling someone else about it – may literally save their lives from a mental & emotional health perspective!
AND if there are people in your life who are “essential services” and you’re very worried about them surviving the current overwhelm of their working environments – share this with them… especially because the “results” are QUICK & ENDURING & POSITIVE & they don’t need to find a silent & still place to watch a Session… they can do that from the home page of the website via google chrome on their mobile phone… Anywhere & everywhere!
3 minutes… boost before we break!
If you have questions, I am HERE!
I’m doing my best to answer queries.
I’d love to see the ENTIRE of hospital & healthcare staff (paramedics, nurses, doctors, essential support people) watching a session – every day… for free!
Could we make this happen? Let’s see PositivePrime help those on the front line in supporting them…
Give them a 3 minute “break that boosts before they break”…
This may be a fruitful read: and it features Stephen Post (one of those amazing people who’ve encouraged me on the journey to creating Positive Prime)
How to survive social distancing according to science
In response to the COVID-19, government and public health officials have asked us to steer clear of each other. Called “social distancing,” the idea is to limit the transmission of the disease by lessening the contact we have with people.
To meet this goal, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended postponing or canceling all mass gatherings; more than 30 states have shuttered school doors; and many cities have closed bars and restaurants.