Hello Positive Prime Influencer,

It was a Tuesday, and it was 4pm when I received an EMAIL from the Doctor’s offices… They’d just phoned Cameron (my love) to tell him about his blood results from that morning’s test & he had to present himself to the Emergency Department URGENTLY.
It indicated a heart attack. Not the Hollywood kind… the more subtle & honest type. We acted. He more calmly than me. NEVER did he expect the doctors to utter the words or explanation we heard!
Cameron’s VERY active outdoors, EVERY day… and the idea of “laying around” inside waiting for further tests results was inconvenient. I joked about watching the “Patience” Session… I HAD been watching it regularly (for a whole heap of different goals… ) The messages were necessary to absorb NOW.

IT IS & it also ISN’T LUCK… “Lucky” is a “vibration”… YOU TOO CAN also have “luck & lots of it” – when your vibration is exceedingly high because of your loyal PositivePrime Practice & your Spirit’s Frequency resonates with with a group of people who are AMAZING, like our fellow VIP members in our precious global group… (more on that later)…

I’m NOW “engaging with, healing, using & offering” with ALL that I learned whilst I was training Ayvervedic Doctors in India’s Himalayas, the Traditional Chinese Doctors in Singapore, The Indonesian Doctors in Bali… The Middle Eastern Doctors in the UAE and the world-class therapists in 100s of Health Retreats around the world… so on & so on…
I was LUCKY I could “drop everything” and BE THERE at the hospital & available at home to be the full-time primary carer for weeks during “recovery & rehab”… I don’t have an employer… I am one. Fortunately, in rare situations I can take time out… I have that luxury… because I have an EXCITING & RICHLY REWARDING “direct sales” business in health & wellbeing… selling “phenomenal ionised, ERW pure, anti-oxidant water” AND because of PositivePrime… SO, I have the blessings necessary to take time to spend at the hospital at his bedside…
I was & am LUCKY that Mayumi manages everything at PositivePrime and she gave me (and continues to give me) the FREEDOM to “be there” for Cameron.
Facing the operation… I kept repeating to myself (as if mantras or prayers) all of the ways we were lucky…. He was ALIVE. He was in the RIGHT PLACE… (the best, newest, fanciest, private hospital in our State etc etc) He HAD the opportunity to have an extraordinary operation that would give him an VIBRANT LIFE (potentially much better than he’d experienced in the previous 5 – 10 years)…
I’m labouring the point – so that you have a sense of the “work” we’ve got to do – to “switch” our vibration WHEN it’s absolutely required & not negotiable…
Back to the story…. I’m not naive. I am not unreasonable… All of this “luck” doesn’t diminish the severity of the circumstances… There was and is DANGER. Sure, it was going to be challenging, and has been. Sure, there would be obstacles & hurdles (and more to arise) – but my “predominant vibration” HAD TO BE & IS POSITIVE.

There’s “emotional contagion” at play too… (the science is integrated into our proprietary formula for how & why a Session has been researched & proven to work)… I KNEW that “my vibration” would INFUSE Cameron too… as he lay, patiently in his hospital bed.
I was sooooooo sorry that he would have go through being petrified and also have to surrender… I was sooooooo sorry that he would have go to through unimaginable suffering… albeit for a short time…
Rising above how sorry we are… though… it’s important to remind ourselves… that our state of mind is CRITICAL… and the “emotional & mental” aspects of this surgery (& other similar situations) & success is as important as the physical realities…

So, no matter what you’re faced with TRY really diligently to “THINK” about how LUCKY you are in that PRECISE MOMENT… Be in the “present”… in the NOW… and convince yourself of how fortunate you are… and how blessed you are in that circumstance… and how marvellous the MAGIC and MIRACLES are & will be…
I’m am going to share with THE PositivePrime Sessions I watched to “get me through”. If you know WHICH ONES… perhaps you’ll also have the “best” resources available to help you though a TRAUMA… I’ll also share the EXACT Sessions that HE watched… given what we know about HOW to “improve” your chances during anesthesia etc etc
I am reminded now again… of the song & it’s lyrics I know… from Biz Luhrmann’s “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen) – adapted from Mary Schmich’s column… I have listened to this song countless times over the past 10 years! I understand, now, in a very potent way… EVERY nuance… of the words contained within… The song is one of my favourites! What a self-fulfilling prophecy !!!

Please… watch this ! It should have you “dancing in your seat” – and truly amazed! (especially if you’re 40+ years old)
This piece is akin to an anthem for my life. So true, in scary & predicative ways !!
The song advises us to live in NYC and also Northern California – and as an Australian, I can ADD “and a tropical Paradise”, “London” and “DownUnder”. I’ve done all 5… and can recommend them ALL.
So, back to the story about HOW quickly life can change – and often there’s a GREAT REASON that we have excavate !! The “higher-self reasons” are often not CLEAR like a well cut diamond… it’s the “rough rock” that you have to “fashion” in order to see the BRILLIANCE… of the PERFECT & meaningful message for YOUR soul & your Life’s Purpose…
I am so grateful for PositivePrime. I am sooooooooo incredibly appreciate of it as a “platform” and “tool”. It has been so beneficial for me as an everyday human who NEEDS great “interventions that work !! and can be RELIED upon… trusted to DELIVER. (yes, sure, I’m the creator & CEO, but I’m also just a lover, best friend, carer, sister, daughter… I’m real, with real problems in real life too)…

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime