We trust this finds you happy & healthy…
“I’ve received so much loving support over the past couple of weeks… I’m sure you’ve read the emails re: my “heart stopping” & my time in great care at our amazing University hospital here on the Sunshine Coast & my cardiac surgery”… well… It’s a few weeks since my successful surgery & I’m healing well… albeit, I’m exceedingly tired at the end of each day…
JUST BEFORE I was “rudely interrupted” (Laugh Out Loud) by the life & death drama… I was in FLOW… and had planned various important videos to share with you. So we’re a little delayed, but at least they’re available….
They are not only resources for YOU – I’m hoping you’ll leverage them too… and share them far & wide with your Referral Link.
BTW: We know… that if you’re positively primed BEFORE viewing this educational & inspiring content you’re MORE likely to remember it… recall it… use it… and benefit from it… SO, you may want to watch a Positive Prime first!
~ Thank goodness YouTube allows us all to watch videos on higher playback speeds… 1.5 or 2 is my preference !! Sure, it makes me concentrate more – but I get through watching videos like this in ½ the time !!
I have a feeling that a LOT of folks – have “missed” the goodness & the greatness… in this series of messages. There are beneficial & useful resources… Videos that are important for you – if you’re really KEEN on having tranformation occur for with you with Positive Prime:
I’m expecting that you’re already discovered that most of my “daily inspiration & teaching” is offered via the private FB group:
*** Will you please assist us – and make sure you’re engaged in those posts… commenting & in fact, sharing your own fabulous inspirational resources too!

I’m about to begin the new year of LIVE, in-person, group ZOOM classes for our Professional Certification… I’m very very grateful so many influential people have decided to share their excellence with us… I’m enthusiastically awaiting their amazing Positive Prime Sessions & will rejoice in seeing them available / published / featured / hosted in our shop…
In case you want to refresh yourself or avail yourself of this
This is an example of recent post on FB:
“Virtuous State” (without religious or philosophical overtones) is something you’d want to pursue. Especially at times like these. Don’t believe me – listen to this argument…
Prof. Kim Cameron’s presentation is quite amazing… particularly if you want to be literally smarter (as measured by brain scans in an MRI)…
Listen carefully @ minute nine (9)USE Positive Prime to put yourself into a different mental state as described. It’s fast. It’s simple. It’s easy. It’s powerful. It works!
* As a note, when you hear Prof Kim Cameron talking about “HeartMath” & taking into consideration my very “recent” Heart Pause / Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant surgery… My heart rhythm was PERFECT during the days I was all hooked up monitored in hospital… AND I assume it’s because I do a “gratitude meditation” everyday as part of the experience of viewing personalised Positive Prime Sessions… – my “rate” is erratic… but, rhythm is wonderful !! LUCKY, otherwise the prognosis would be MUCH worse
If you’d like “Personalised Positive Prime Sessions” – then please do sign up as a member… then Upgrade to a Signature Subscription & invest in your health — upload personal photos to your private collection & have them co-mingle as they’re integrated into the content…
It’s what makes this experience truly extraordinary in its effectiveness.

Please do get in touch with me with your feedback…

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime support@positiveprime.com
P.S: As a Therapist / Healer / Coach I share resources with my clients like this
There are 3 amazing Positive Prime Sessions there… for you as a treat… Watch them & allow them to shape your automatic thoughts & emotions… habits & results.
I love helping others to transform with grace, ease & speed & it’s possible with breakthrough “treatments” like these “mindfulness exercises”.
Each experience is significantly more powerful when you can “internalise” the messages… which requires seeing photos of yourself co-mingling or integrated into the content… that requires a subscription within PositivePrime to unlock that functionality…
In the meantime, simply enjoy!
The treatment, that we call as Session – is a “Positive Prime” intervention and the science really supports it’s phenomenal potency!
* If you are a therapist, healer or coach and you’d like content like this to share with your clients or retreat guests please PM me. We have a huge range of Professional & Commercial options that are affordable as “value adds” to your services.